Friday, June 11, 2010

Corporate Sheman!

Women make a bad example, when they try to ape men. One such example was Priya. When she laughed, her team mates would get scared. People in the office kept as far from her as possible. Whenever, someone joined her team, they would get the “best of luck” from people around. She was one great example of people who liked to drop their shit on others and penalize them for that.

She had scraped her way through promotions by her family influence and became a team lead. So, she was very insecure about her abilities. Once, a new project manager joined the company. When Priya got introduced to her, she introduced herself as a project manager!

She had her harassing techniques in place. Whenever she received a storyboard, she would make a hell lot of edits and tell the content writer that it was a poor quality work. Whenever people replied in mail for doubts clearance and verification, Priya will never mail back to them. She would go and sort it out verbally. This was her strategy, because later whatever was wrong would be shoved back to the person and she would be on the safe side. Her motto was to never make anything formal from her side so that she will not be held responsible.

She had no hint about the word professionalism. She thought that her team members were puppets and she can behave however and talk anything to them. She would demand formal birthday treats from her team members in the name of team activity. She would call people names, under the pretext of being friendly. Whenever someone would tell her politely to stop doing it, she would get back at them and say that they are not cooperating as a team.

Her best tool was that she was irritating to the core. People would do anything to make her go away. Therefore, she was a difficult person to handle. When someone would get the strength to confront her, she would just confuse them. They would give up and she would prove them wrong.

Phew, never thought I would meet such people. But only when you meet such people, will you know the worth of good people.

1 comment:

The Rain Crab said...

OMG!!! i had a good good good laf gal!!! awesome!!!