Friday, July 2, 2010

Of Maamis and Mamiyaars!

Maamis are an Indian species,  who have a unique possession called "vaith erichal" or in other words, "green eyes", with which they emit envious radiation on children and youngsters. You come across these species when you are dragged to family functions, marriages, and get-togethers. Their rays can affect you from spoiling your mood till making you really frustrated in the end. But the truth is that we all have to face these species in this Indian society. They also possess other avatars like chitti (maasi), perima (badi maa), etc.
My encounters with such species have been pretty interesting, so far. When I was a kid, I did not understand their techniques and methodologies. For example, one maami would often tell my mom, how tanned I have become. After a point of time both my mom and I got irritated, but when we saw her kids, they were really tanned! Then, one always wanted to create a complex in me. So, she would always praise my cousin sister in front of me.
Another one, the most irritating of all, whom I have learned to ignore, would be ready with her advices. She is one hell of an agony aunt, who would give free advices to everyone around. She would tell me that you kids are so spoilt, you see MTV all day, don't learn good manners. Ahem, her girls dress like MTV VJs and even put on accents, and she is advising me! Once, when all maamis made a gang, ya gang :'(... and started to pressurize my mom to get me married, this one started advising me on how should I change my manners and all. I was so tempted to talk back "Why don't you advise your gals? They change boyfriends like their nail paints, go out with guys, sit in their lap, drink with them and even put the photos on Facebook and orkut. They need your free advises more than me!"
Recently, when I had to meet this maami, she came to know that I was doing my MBA. She told me about a girl who was also doing MBA in a college with less fees. As usual, I ignored her. :)
In the end, how ever tempted to talk back you are, its best to ignore these people. But what I have observed so far, is that these maamis are jealous because their girls are not doing that well as I am. So they take out their frustration in this way. So long, my dear maamis......


The Rain Crab said...

Ha ha... India is one country we can't escape all this!!! It might exist in other places too but's de worst!!!

I really dunno wen these ppl will start talking and making sense! For god's sake we need mental peace!

Like the post!!! :) ;)

Rums said...

Ya man, I am so tired of these ppl, and the worst thing is we gals fall prey to all this! Guys don't have to go thru this crap :(

Nagapradeep Chinnapalli said...

Gud one rums.. now i got to knw the entire story. u just told me bits and pieces till now. intrstng stuff. it happens wid guys also. ask me i ll tell u my own story ;)