Tuesday, June 21, 2011

One emotionally distressing weekend that was

In short, this was a weekend where you are pushed in with a group of irritating people and in the end they ask you, why are you not enjoying yourself? And you can't tell them on their face its because of them. First of all, you have to meet your abominable wannabe cousin who will be irritating to the core just to gain attention. Then there are relatives who keep asking your age and asking indirectly as to what is your future plan? And I am tempted to say: to keep away from you.

 Evening function almost passed easily, courtesy to cell phone games and 9 year old sweetie Janu, who kept me company. Night time was when I was given an option to move in to any of the 6 rooms booked for relatives. I tried to calculate the least risky room to enter. Oldies are a no no .. their lectures are the worst. I have been through the routine lectures with both my uncles and an aunt. So joining them would be just lecture part 2. So the least risky option was to move in with Janu's family because her dad only kept asking "What's wrong?" and "Why are you so quiet?". I almost moved in, when mom changed my plan telling me that we have booked a extra room and you can go there.

Damn I did not know the hidden agenda! Room was good, so switched on the TV and relaxed for a while. Until two aunts moved in the last moment (I thot mom wud join me :(.. ) and the minute I was dozing off, they started their 3rd degree torture. Started their lecture on the only goal of a woman's life is to get a guy and have children. And I ask why; guys are always a pain and they hurt you in the end and children are (like if you haven't had enuf of heartache then have a headache too) ya blessings in disguise... Thats why women who remain unmarried look younger than their age. And the Q and A session was very much PITA! Then at a point when it was out of limits, I had be harsh and tell them I am done. And then they continued among themselves and I felt a sigh of relief, and then out of nowhere this abominable cousin's mom compared me to her daughter!

Yuck I am still trying to forget it. I may be the worst daughter around but why compare me with her!! She is like those insensitive and detestable Buas or Jethanis you see in Hindi serials. They will always ask you painful questions, just to make you feel bad. Once during my elder cousin's engagement, she asked her, "If her ex-fiancee, with whom she had a painful breakup is attending the engagement?" That time this girl was 15, not some thumb-sucking 5 year old asking around stupid questions!!! My cousin kept her cool and advised her that you should not ask such questions. She did the same to me a couple of times and then I decided not to speak with her rather than losing my cool. And, if you advise her, then comes her mom and bullies us " Why do you keep scolding and advising her? She has lost her dad and she is coping with it. Please don't bother her."...!!!

Finally, the sun rose and came the remaining part of function and somehow survived that too. Then came lunch finally. As I was enjoying my sambar round, came the abominable cousin trying to make her best entry and hi-ing all the aunts and uncles around. Ya aunt and uncles and thathas and paatis. It sounded very irritating. Finally packed bags after lunch and congratulated myself for surviving the ordeal. Thankfully weekend got over and returned home. Net-net food was good but everything else badddddddddd.


Unknown said...

Hey Rams.. Was a good read as usual.. the wedding season is in full swing and I am going thro similar exp as well :(

Anyways.. If you are into reviewing you should check out this site -

I won a whole lot of things by jus writing about a few place.

Shvetlana said...

Nicely written, but I always thought you were on the other side....gaining all good good attention ;-)

Nikita A said...

Aiyyoooo paaaavam nee! I can totally understand and I think I can almost guess who you are talking about!! At least the annoying cousin... She was the same when she was here too...

And just to slip in another piece of information, her mother is coming here (Mumbai) tomorrow morning.. I just hope she isn't coming along.. or at least I don't have to meet them!! Will give you a call tomorrow evening! :)

P.S. I love the way you write!! :)

Rums said...

@ vids: sailing in the same boat, aren't we? tch tch..
Anyways, I am very much into reviewing will check out the site!

@Sweta: This time I gained attention for all the wrong reasons.. boo hooo

Rums said...

@ Niki: Ha Ha ya hope u escape her. :) She wasn't like this before in Mumbai. Has changed a lot after coming to Chennai.
Thanks for the compliment! And btw got some inspiration from you as well :)

The Rain Crab said...

Very funny read rums! :) enjoyed it totally.

Me total escape from all this ;)

Rums said...

@Varsh: ya I am so jealous of uuuuuu!